The Travails of Social Media

For those of you who follow Gardens to Gables on social media, including Facebook and Instagram, today, 13 March, 2019, there was no love. Around noon, Facebook stopped working, and at 8 pm EST as I write this, it still remains unusable for many, including yours truly.  I am sending this post out to assure anyone who might be wondering – no, I have not walked away from computer and phone (though I am often tempted). As soon as the issue is fixed, I will once again share photos and interesting stories on both social media platforms. In the meantime, I am going to go put my feet up and read a book – and this site is working, so if you want to peruse the archives, please do!

This historic one-seat privy in Bath County, Kentucky, aptly describes how I feel about the outage: it stinks.

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  1. C.S. Miller says:

    Thanks for reassuring us. While you are reading an engaging book, I will be painting canines.

  2. Sharon Thelin says:

    So glad to hear that I’m not the only one having problems!! A hectic day, then dinner, then that last flurry before collapsing. I looked forward to a brief FB check-in only to be frustrated & now, completely exhausted! Becoming less & less enchanged with social media–as well as tv media. Reading a book sounds appealing.

  3. Joberta Wells says:

    I was so frustrated but thought the problem was mine, not Facebook’s. Thanks for clearing that up. BTW, I love your old privy picture!

  4. David Ames says:

    Be careful of books, you might never come back. Thanks for sharing frustrations, its helpful to know some else suffers some of the same dismal, dreary, digital, disarray from time-to-time.

  5. W. White says:

    I have no interest in giving Mark Zuckerberg and his corrupt minions any of my patronage, either through Facebook or Instagram, so that they can use any of my personal information or uploaded content to make themselves even more rich and powerful. Social media sites like Facebook are (one of several things but a main offender in) ruining this great country. Take this as an opportunity to kick Facebook to the curb. Post those photos and interesting stories on Gardens to Gables. Isn’t that what this site is for?

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